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Smart Home System

Managed IT Support

Synctech Solutions Ltd. provides comprehensive Managed IT Support designed to cater to the unique needs of Canadian SMEs and residential clients who require professional assistance with their IT infrastructure. Our services ensure that your technology environment is fully supported, from setup and repair to threat diagnostics and managed backup solutions.


By offering custom IT support tailored to each client's specific needs, Synctech Solutions Ltd. aims to enhance operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and protect against cybersecurity threats, ensuring your business and home IT environments are efficient, secure, and reliable.

Dentist Using 3D Printer

Peripheral Setup & Repair

Our Peripheral Setup & Repair service is essential for clients lacking the technical knowledge to install and maintain their peripheral devices. Synctech Solutions Ltd. offers expert installation and repair services for a wide range of devices, ensuring your office equipment operates smoothly and efficiently.


This service includes:

Installation and configuration of computers, printers, and audio-video devices.

Comprehensive troubleshooting and repair services for malfunctioning peripherals.

Preventative maintenance and remote support to minimize disruptions.

Analysing data

Threat Diagnostics

The Threat Diagnostics service provided by Synctech Solutions Ltd. is designed to monitor and alert clients to potential security threats in real-time. Our advanced diagnostic tools and expert team work tirelessly to detect unauthorized access, motion in restricted areas, or environmental hazards, offering peace of mind and enhanced security.


Features of this service include:

Continuous monitoring for a wide range of potential threats.

Real-time alerts via mobile app, email, or text message, allowing for immediate action.

Customizable security settings to meet specific needs and preferences.

Historical data analysis for reviewing and understanding past incidents.

Data on a Touch Pad

Managed Backup

Our Managed Backup service is designed to provide robust data protection and recovery solutions, ensuring your business operations can continue without interruption, even in the face of data loss. Synctech Solutions Ltd. utilizes state-of-the-art technology to offer tailored backup solutions that meet the unique requirements of each client.


This service encompasses:

On-Premises and Hybrid Cloud Storage solutions for comprehensive data protection.

Specialized backup services for websites and cloud-based applications.

Disaster recovery planning to ensure business continuity under any circumstances.

Secure and reliable file storage options to safeguard your critical data.

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